Post by !P.I.E! on Dec 31, 2008 21:53:46 GMT -5
Okay so pretty much all of my cats need mates besides Skyelark... So READY, SET, POST!
Age: 15 moons
Gender: Male
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Kind to most, even if a bit reserved at some point, and slightly depressed due to being made fun of about his sexuality. Snowstorm is a generally happy cat. He enjoys her line of duty in protecting and has dedicated his life to serving his Clan this way. Lighthearted and young, he is not afraid to weather through the elements and brave his fears; despite his small stature, of course. He will never approach an injured cat without its consent; in his mind, unless it is truly injured and has not come to see him, then they are not in need of help from him, as he puts it. His voice is a bit soft, yet not passive, and can be quite scornful when it wants to be; perhaps a kit was messing in the brambles or teasing a raccoon, and therefore gained a careless injury. He enjoys learning and spending time with the elders, kits, and apprentices alike... well, just about everyone.
Other: Preferably another gay cat.
Taken by: Moonshine
Age: 12 moons
Gender: Male
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Warrior
Personality:Warriored not too long ago, Bluefire could be taken as any older cat any time, at least, on the outside. On the inside, he's still a apprentice. He has had amny bright ideas that he squiched, and can see how many things would be improved. Unlike most cats, he has always thought outside the box, and his opinion is often differant then he lets on. Although, you wouldn't know that. However calm he may appear to be, Bluefire has somewhat anger issues. Although he can see reason, once she looses his head, you better just duck and cover. His grudges can stay from a day to until you join Starclan. Once you get into the interlocked circle of frinds he has though, he usually will tell you anything you want to know. However, he's a bit pricky with outsiders, as in ones he doesn't trust, and more often then not, he won't tell you a thing if his life depended on it. He's a great secret keeper, and will keep a secret to the grave, not that He's had to yet though. He doesn't hang onto the past, nor does he hope for a future. He lives every day as though he were to die that day; even though sometimes he knows that it won't be for many moons before Starclan claims him. Life sometimes bores him, just the same old things, all of the cats seem content though, so like with everything else, Bluefire keeps his emotions and thoughts mostly to himself. Although he can be very easy to tick off, no matter how much he tries to keep his anger under check, Bluefire does snap more then anyone would like, him hot headedness causes more then a few not to care for him, even though over half of them. Bluefire is somewhat of a realist, and if someone doesn't like him, he'll find out why. Its not that he really cares, its just that he doesn't want one cat spreading negative feelings around about him, turning the whole camp against him. Usually, is he sees something strange, but harmless, Bluefire won't tell anyone, not even the leader, although he has no hard feelings for Soulstar, he will keep it to himself. Sometimes, Bluefire feels lost among the pelts of his clanmates, just a cat among others, just another one who will defend his clan until he joins Starclan, a raft adrift in the endless ocean. Sometimes, he finds himself wondering what life would be like, if he wasn't so hot headed and judgemental, what life was like elsewhere in the world of mysterys. Nothing seems to anchor the young cat to this planet, other then his stuborness. Although he has many ideas about many things, Bluefire can be quite narrow minded about some subjects. However silent, quiet, and withdrawn Bluefire seems though, he generally cares for her clan members, and would protect anyone of them, even if it means giving his life for one of them. In battle, he shows no mercy for the other clans, and will not give up unless ordered.
Taken by: Shattergaze
Age: 6 moons
Gender: Female
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: Firepaw has always been a flying ball of fire colored fur, she is always full of energy. Normally she is so curious to the point where she ends up poking things with her paw that can be potentially dangerous to her. She can also be oddly quite devious too, she is always planning some way to scare her mentor and the other apprentices. Firepaw also has, only sometimes and extremely twisted sense of humor witch normally creeps everyone out. She is always eager to learn and when she concentrates on doing something she gets it done quickly and finishes well, she has been told she is a very bright cat but doesn't believe what they are complimenting her about.
Taken by: Shadowmoon
Age: 14 moons
Gender: Female
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: Leader
Personality: As implied in her appearance, she is shady by nature, not much is known about her because she mostly keeps to herself and a small circle of those she trusts. But she is fiercely loyal to her Clan , and would do anything for them. But she is shy, yes, you heard me, shy. She isn't one to just walk up to a loner and introduce herself, but she will go straight to anyone if they're hurt, despite Clans or titles. Willing to do almost anything that is needed, that was the reason Sootstar was selected as leader, she is willing to do what is needed and she'll do it well.
Some of the cats in the Clans look up to her because of her ability to stay calm through anything, but others worry that she won't give the necessary response when something truly bad happens and she doesn't panic. Infact, that's one of her flaws, she is too calm. But, her calm finesse is simply something that is visible on the outside generally, when it comes to any mention of her family, her inward reaction is completely different.
Taken by: Sparrowfang